Accumulator Pressure Testing and Analysis

Conducted a pressure drop test across the accumulator to evaluate airflow performance. A pressure sensor and a tube, spanning the length of the accumulator, were used to measure pressure differences. The tube was positioned with one end near the fans and the other at the inlet holes where air enters the system. The fans were powered separately, and three parameters were varied across eight configurations to assess their impact on airflow dynamics. Foam was also introduced to analyze its effect on fan power and pressure distribution.
The results revealed a significant pressure drop at the accumulator's inlet. However, the pressure drop across the cells was minimal, indicating limited resistance to airflow through the cells. This suggests that a considerable portion of the airflow bypassed the cells and traveled around the Battery Management Boards (BMBs) instead.
These findings highlight an opportunity to optimize airflow distribution within the accumulator. By addressing the airflow bypass around the cells, it is possible to improve cooling performance and overall system efficiency, ensuring better temperature management for the cells and critical electronic components.